By Susie Thompson, Director of Housing at Gentoo Group

At Gentoo, our primary goal is to support all tenants to sustain their tenancy in a positive way. We recognise that every tenant is different; some require little to no support whilst others lead very complex and difficult lives. With this in mind, Gentoo provide a number of support services which help tenants to live as well as possible.

Our positive engagement officers (PEOs) work closely with tenants who have chaotic lives with complex needs. Many of the tenants who are supported by our PEOs have been referred as a result of anti-social behaviour reports and often have drug and/or alcohol dependencies, which in turn creates associated mental health issues.

The team help to put people ‘back on the right path’ by linking in with other specialist support services specific to their individual circumstances.

Our victim support officers (VSOs) have a dual role within Gentoo, supporting those who are victims of domestic abuse and working with those who are suffering from anti-social behaviour. As a founding member of the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA), we are fully aware of the impact domestic abuse can have on individuals and their families and actively support these tenants to ensure their safety and wellbeing.

VSOs are assigned a caseload and work closely with tenants to build up trust and rapport. The support offered by the team is wide ranging, from simply offering moral support to someone leaving their abusive partner, to arranging emergency rehousing and support through a court case. The team also work with preparators of domestic abuse, helping them to change their behaviour and develop respectful non-abusive relationships.

Our Young Person’s Team (YP) work with tenants aged 25 and under, where Gentoo has the largest tenancy failure rate. In order to help these individuals sustain successful tenancies, the YP team invest time in helping our under 25s learn vital life skills, including how to budget their money, pay bills and get on with their neighbours.

Gentoo also provide supported accommodation for 12 young people, aged 16-21, leaving care, which is staffed 24/7. Here young people are also able to develop the skills needed for managing their own tenancy in a safe and supported environment.

Our Money Matters Team (MMT) is a collective of specially trained Gentoo colleagues who offer support to some of the most financially vulnerable, by providing benefit checks, energy saving advice and budgeting assistance, as well as signposting to partners for debt advice.

Since inception in 2014, the team has supported over 10,000 of our tenants, assisting them to claim more than £5.1m in unclaimed benefits.
As a responsible business, Gentoo will never take court action on a tenant for non-payment of rent unless they have been referred to MMT for support.

Our Wellbeing Service enables people over 65 in Sunderland to live fuller, happier lives, ensuring those who need it have access to free support, advice and practical help. From helping people feel safe to simply putting up a handrail, we help people live the independent
life they choose for longer.

We also know that there are cases where more in-depth support is required from specialist providers and, as such, we provide 145 properties to partner agencies throughout the city which are utilised for supported tenancies.

We believe everyone has the right to live in a good quality home they can afford, where they can feel safe and secure. These support services are pivotal to the success of thriving neighbourhoods and communities and are provided in addition to our neighbourhood coordinators who assist tenants with the day-to-day management of their tenancies.