
2.5 hours





Suitable for:       RI What does this mean?

People with severe mental illness are at a high risk of experiencing welfare benefit or financial problems, for example they are four times more likely than the general population to experience problem debt. In addition, they are at high risk of experiencing deterioration in their mental health.

The interactions between welfare benefit/financial problems and mental illness may lead to a downward spiral into crisis. Providing advice on welfare problems to tenants with mental health problems and other complex needs can be beneficial and can prevent further deterioration in a tenant’s condition and life situation, and help sustain tenancies.

  • Read more

    This workshop looks at:

    • How tenant’s wellbeing can be affected by the benefits system
    • How to tell if a tenant is vulnerable
    • What’s in place to help vulnerable tenants access benefits
    • DWP’s safeguarding guidance
    • What are complex needs and why is identifying them important
    • Supporting tenants toolkit.
  • Our trainer

    Alison Markantonis is an experienced welfare benefits, financial capability and employment skills practitioner, who has worked successfully in the affordable housing and benefits sector for the last 27 years. She has worked with many housing and support organisations and brings her extensive experience to specialise in demystifying the benefits system, money management and employability skills training for both frontline staff and tenants. Her approach is participative and interactive, using case studies and her own experience to take the complex, and make it not only simple, but also applicable.

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