

If you need to write, refresh or revise a key housing strategy, we have a series of five practical workshops which will guide you every step of the way. Join us on Thursday 6 June for ‘Workshop four: Housing needs of particular groups and bringing it all together ‘.

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    Workshop four: Housing needs of particular groups and bringing it all together 

    As the title suggests, we’ll look at the housing needs of particular groups, how to identify which groups should be highlighted and where to get the data and feedback to inform this section. We’ll also look at the needs of specific groups in relation to other strategies such as homelessness. We’ve deliberately left the rest of the time in this workshop to focus on topics decided by the participants. Maybe you’re looking to increase your knowledge in a particular area, or you want to bounce some ideas off colleagues. This session will give you the opportunity to explore challenges and solutions that are relevant to you. By the end of this session, completing your strategy will be plain sailing!

    Each of our workshops will equip you for the next stage of the work, so by the end of the workshops you’ll have a complete draft of your new strategy – job done! The workshops will apply to any strategy with a housing focus, be this a housing strategy, homelessness strategy, tenancy strategy or similar. They will also apply whether you work for a local authority, RP or other housing provider.

    In order to complete your strategy within that timescale you’ll obviously need to set aside additional time to do the work – but for each stage you’ll have a clear idea of what you need to do and how to do it – effectively, and in line with best practice.

    The programme will be delivered by HQN associate Wendy Murphy who will be with you every step of the way.

    Our other workshops will focus on:

    Workshop one: Overview, planning and partnerships (Thursday 14 March)

    By the end of this session, you’ll have a tailored action plan setting out the key stages of the work, and a consultation plan showing how you will involve partners and other stakeholders. You’ll have considered the merits of setting up a steering group, identified key risks to delivery, and considered national and local context, including other relevant strategies which need to be taken into account.

    Workshop two: Data analysis and consultation (Thursday 11 April)

    By the end of this session, you’ll know where to get the data you need and how to address any gaps. You’ll also have a clear idea of the level of detail you need to include. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to build on your consultation plan, thinking about key topics to be addressed and the use of different consultation mechanisms.

    Workshop three: Emerging priorities, options and resources (Thursday 9 May)

    By this stage you’ll have some emerging priorities for action; this workshop will focus on options to deliver those priorities whether its increasing the delivery of new homes, opening up access to the private rented sector, preventing homelessness or taking a public health approach to housing. We’ll look at planning flexibly around uncertain resource levels, sources of funding and getting partners on board for delivery. By the end of this session you’ll have all the information you need to begin drafting your strategy.

    Workshop five: Putting it into action – implementing and delivering your strategy (Thursday 4 July)

    This last session starts with a brief refresher pulling all the learning from the previous sessions together. It then focuses on delivery – how to ensure your strategy makes a difference, and how to take forward the identified actions by ensuring they get embedded into work plans – whether that’s your own, other parts of your organisation, or partners. There will also be an opportunity during this workshop to share your own work in progress and get feedback and ideas from others.

    And that’s not all…

    Although the workshops are designed to work together, you can book for a single workshop using the links above. However, if you sign up for all five, you get significant added value! You’ll have access to:

    • Relevant HQN toolkits – there are specific toolkits for developing a housing, homelessness ore tenancy strategy and specialist toolkits covering areas such as enabling and housing for older people
    • Relevant HQN briefings – covering a range of topics, such as community-led and self-build housing, supported housing, domestic violence and abuse
    • A one-hour session with an HQN lead associate to discuss your strategy in more detail and help to ensure you are on track.

    You’ll benefit from the experience of others and have plenty of opportunities to ask practical questions and explore ideas with others facing the same challenges.

    Why are we holding these workshops?

    HQN has been experiencing a significant increase in people asking for support to refresh key housing strategies. Whilst we’re always happy to roll up our sleeves and take on the lion’s share of such work, we’re also very aware that many organisations are working with significantly reduced budgets and needing to do a lot of this work in-house.

    That’s why we are offering another of our popular  programmes, which combines access to consultancy support and information with a structured approach to developing a new strategy. The programme covers multiple workshops, taking you through each of the key stages. You’ll develop a project and consultation plan, review the data and gather evidence, appraise options and resources. You’ll also have access to HQN resources including relevant toolkits and briefings.

    Strategy development often ends up in the ‘important but not urgent’ box: committing to the programme creates momentum and a deadline. You’ll also have support from others in the group, able to exchange ideas, and act as a sounding board. And for those who wish to do it, you’ll have the opportunity to share your work in progress with others and get constructive feedback and ideas.

  • Our speaker

    Wendy Murphy, Associate, HQN

    Wendy Murphy is an experienced consultant who has worked in the housing sector for more than 30 years. She has undertaken a wide range of consultancy assignments for HQN, including projects on tenancies and allocations. She has written briefing papers for HQN on a wide range of topics, including emerging new approaches to housing management, tenancy strategies and policies, affordable rents, allocations and lettings, hard-to-let properties and partnership working.

    Wendy was previously a senior manager with Bristol City Council where she was responsible for developing new approaches to housing management, including locally managed approaches and integration with a wider range of services. She was chair of Flourish Homes and sat on the Aster Group board for eight years. Wendy has run a large number of in-house and public training courses; her approach is practical and action orientated, ensuring that learning is embedded into the organisation. Wendy also works as a coach and facilitator.

  • Price and booking


    Ticket Type Price Spaces
    Member ticket £150.00
    Non-member ticket £175.00

    Registration Information

    Booking Summary

    Please select at least one space to proceed with your booking.

    If you experience any issues when submitting your booking, please email [email protected] with the name and date of the session along with the delegate name(s), email address(es) and job title(s) and we’ll process the booking for you.

  • Cancellations and substitutions

    If you are unable to attend an event or public training course, please let us know in writing (email is fine) at least 48 hours before. Please email [email protected]

    Otherwise, a cancellation fee of £60 plus VAT will be chargeable.

    If you are using a package place to attend and do not inform us within the agreed time frame, then a place will be taken to cover your non-attendance.

    Cancellations must be made in writing, and will be acknowledged by HQN Limited


06 June 2024
9:30am - 1:30pm
Book now

Making a booking:
You don’t need to be logged in to make a booking.

Step 1: Select the number of delegates you would like to book on this session
Step 2: Complete the delegate details
Step 3: Check the details, tick the consent box, and press the book now button
Step 4: Member discounts will automatically be applied on the next page
Step 5: To use a coupon code please enter this at the top of the checkout page by clicking on the link
Step 6: Complete the booking details
Step 7: Confirm your booking
Step 8: You will receive a confirmation email with an order number, if you don’t receive this within 24 hours please get in touch with us – [email protected]